Reopening, Event Beyond Move Reopening, Event Beyond Move

Sound Healing Journey

About Sound healing

We are so excited to welcome you back to the studio and we planned a couple of event for this occasion. One is a Sound Healing session. Isn’t it sounds so amazing?

There is no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration.”
— ~Mitchell Gaynor, M.D.


Friday 21st Session 7pm - 8pm

The ticket is £17 and the booking is now open.

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What is sound healing?

Sound & frequency is as ancient as the earth; all life stems from the original point of creation- from the Big Bang!

And our bodies emit their own unique vibrational field, each organ and cell within.

As sensory beings, we use the medicine of sound to help clear energetic blockages, re-harmonise our bodies, and bring a state of ease.

This session is an invitation to come and receive a sound journey to soothe your mind & body. And bring some balance into your being, allowing the magic of the sound frequencies to weave through your experience.

You don’t need to do anything except coming with an open heart.

Take time for yourself out of your busy schedule to breathe, relax and be nourished by the sound waves of the crystal bowls.

Benefits of a session:

⭐Relaxing the nervous system,

⭐Supporting to reduce stress and anxiety,

⭐Support with reducing blood pressure & boosting the immune system.

⭐Promotes stillness and well being for your heart and soul.

What to bring and how to prepare:

⭐Try not to eat or drink anything heavy, if possible, an hour before we start, so you’re body isn’t using all its energy for digestion during the session.

⭐Bring a blanket/pillow/cushions as you will be on the floor lying down for most of the time, so please bring something for your own comfort and so you feel warm. You can even bring an eye mask if you wish to deepen the experience.

I can’t wait to share this with you share the experience together.

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Beyond Move Beyond Move

Xmas Holidays


It’s time for some much-needed holiday cheer!

After a rollercoaster year, let’s celebrate finally being able to take some time off, curl up in fluffy PJs, drink as much hot chocolate or mulled wine as humanly possible, and watch all our favourite cheesy holiday movies.

Team Beyond Move will have reduced opening hours, between 21st December and 2nd January 2121 so we wanted to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Let’s meet in 2021 and rise to new heights!

With Love,

Noemi xx

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Reopening, Newsletter Beyond Move Reopening, Newsletter Beyond Move

July Newsletter

July's Newsletter

Hello Beyonders,

I do hope you don’t mind me calling you this, but I think it is such a perfect positive name for all of you; how special you are and what a big part of my community you represent. 

What a month we have just had. As lockdown progressed our virtual world, here at the studio, seemed to get busier and our online community continues to grow through Instagram and Facebook. If you have not joined us there yet please do! We post news, free exercise videos, live chats about movement and we have a small but perfect little webshop on there too.  

Because we are a small- independent-female-founded-business (wow, what a mouthful) your support means the world. We are a studio that prides itself on how different we are compared with the bigger gym chains.  I love what we do and am really proud of our specialised classes for pre- and post-natal mums and those with neurological disorders. If you know anyone who might benefit from these please pass our information on. Your help in making our community brighter, bigger and more inclusive is so much appreciated.


Studio Opening News

We are looking to open our physical doors again on 3rd August 2020. I have worked flatout to make the space work better and I got us some wonderful colourful reminders from another small business to ensure safe distance in class. 

We will, for the time being, focus on even smaller classes than usual which will really benefit you in several ways as the teachers have more time to focus on supporting you individually as well as correcting your posture during class, to enable you to have greater awareness and learning. 

We will also continue with some of our online classes too. 

Summer Holiday & Timetable 

I cannot wait to open the studio doors though it must be said that I’m ready for a holiday. I don’t know about you, but I need to get some essential rest and family time soon and have booked to go and visit my family in Hungary between 20th July and 31st July. 

I have organised cover with our other much-loved teachers for a lot of my classes but there will be a reduced timetable during this time. 

Any other last-minute changes will be published on the website, so do consult this too not avoid disappointment.  

Book your class

New Membership 

As I alluded to in May’s newsletter the membership structure is changing. As of the 1st of September 2020, new memberships will be available. There will be 2 types:

  • A 6-week block of classes / 6-week course of specialised classes (pre/post-natal, Peto Pilates)

  • BM Tribe membership

I really hope that you will continue to be part of the Beyond Move story going forward and appreciate your support. I am utterly grateful for you all sticking by me during this difficult time and its been a pleasure to continue the studio during what is a stressful time for many. 



In other news…

The studio has been accepted onto the This Girl Can Campaign. I am literally so excited about this and hope that we too will be part of the national campaign in promoting girls to take up physical activity.

I am hopeful to put one of our beautiful patrons with cerebral palsy onto our poster as so often we forget that people with disabilities probably need exercise even more. I am however open to all your suggestions and feel free to share how we can make the best use of our voice….


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Beyond Move Beyond Move

Reopening the Studio - getting closer



Hello Beyonders,

Hello Beyonders,

It’s Noemi here!

Can I just say WOW, this is our 10th week of streaming classes online, and we are having such an interesting time? Initially, it was so strange for the studio doors to be shut and to be honest, I cannot wait for them to reopen soon.

Thank you all for keeping us busy, navigating and learning this new online landscape. We have continued to really enjoy teaching you all, though of course, we miss seeing you in person. In my heart, I hope that we as a studio have been able to give you a variety of classes, keeping you sane, motivated, and engaged during this lockdown. It has been a complete rollercoaster, don’t you think?

My gratitude is with you all who believed in us, and all who sent us lovely messages and well wishes, week on week. I also want to express my appreciation of your commitment, and I am so impressed that some of you pushed through many physical and psychological barriers during this time. In our online classes, we aimed to help you feel confident, reassured and to continue as much as usual as possible.

We are so thankful to see familiar and new faces in our online classes. Yes, online classes are not for everyone, and some of you prefer the discipline and companionship of coming to the studio, but we also have 1 st hand experienced that for some of our client groups and classes working-out at home really works! Who knew?!

We found for example that hosting our Peto pilates classes online meant that those with Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral palsy and MS can attend regardless of address and by not being London based, makes the availability of support less of a postcode lottery. How beautiful is that?

When we finally reopen the doors to the studio, we hope to continue to keep some classes online on for a while as I believe this is still one of the safest ways at this present time, and maybe for some, it might be the new reality going forward.

Current timetable - please check here



You may be wondering what will happen to your membership once we reopen. We are working hard behind the scenes to make sure that our memberships will continue to work for everyone and can accommodate the studio as well as online classes. Bear with us.

We will inform you in good time should there be are any changes which may affect your current terms. It is so important to us to be open and honest with you and for us to let you know what we are planning. During lockdown, we have learnt that as a small independent business and a new studio, we must be agile; change with the needs of the time and you, our valued customers.

Of course, it all must work for us too, and we want to be a studio that is creative in how we support you all as well as keeping you safe. We love hearing your feedback and ideas about reopening the studio but also about our classes, what you would like to see more or less of. Please as members or pay as you go, participants, you can help us shape the studio so do let us know!


We are social

We have invested in really upping our game on social media in line with our online presence and to help make us a dynamic studio. Our Instagram account is fun, shares the latest class schedules and even has a small shop for props and to buy one-off classes. We are doing our best to keep you all posted and informed, and if you don’t already follow us make sure to sign up to our Facebook page, follow and like us on Instagram @beyond_move.

If socials are not your thing or you want to receive us in your inbox too do also make sure we have your correct email address. We will soon be sharing news about reopening as well as class schedules and any changes we may make so please do keep an eye on all the above.

Here is our brief Covid-19 guide

Lots of love,


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Guidance Beyond Move Guidance Beyond Move


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We're following government guidelines and new social distancing requirements which means we will have to limit the number of people that are in the studio at any given time.

Additionally, we will make our communal space a one-way-system and as we will have to measure numbers of people you might be asked to wait outside or in your car until the exact start time of your class or appointment. Please do not let this deter you from coming; we will make sure brollies are available in case of rain and should you be early for class.

We always aimed to be a clean studio, but now more than ever do we need to make sure we do this to the highest possible standards. But we are in this together.

We will make sure

  • To increase our cleaning and sanitation procedures between classes, before and after the day

  • To keep classes & class structure small to allow for social distancing

  • Increase space between mats & participants

  • The teachers will be wearing facemasks

  • Supply sanitiser to clean your hands with upon entry to the studio

  • Payments will be online and or contactless for your convenience

We will ask you

  • To book your class online at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment

  • To bring your own mat props to class

  • To sanitise your hands upon entry to the studio

Thank you,

Noemi - BM founder

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