

Our approach to pregnancy and postnatal yoga is all about connection and preparation. The main focus for this class is breathing techniques and strengthening of the pelvic floor, using the breath and movement to enable women to prepare their bodies and mind for a positive pregnancy and aid their post natal recovery. 

There are many benefits to doing yoga during pregnancy and postnatally. First and foremost, yoga is a fantastic tool to help you relax, which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. Taking time out for yourself, to help calm your mind, and balance your emotions, will help you stay connected with your baby and enjoy your pregnancy and journey into motherhood. In a class based environment, you also have the chance to connect with other mums to be and new mums, which provides layers of support.

Physically, yoga helps you to stay fit, healthy and strong during your pregnancy and beyond. Yoga is known to help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms such as headaches, SPD/PGP, backache and heartburn. Our classes in particular focus on working the pelvic floor, whilst learning strategies for birth, including how to breath, move and relax during labour and birth. We also work on key movements to help babies into the optimal foetal position which can help facilitate smoother births.

The Beyond Move Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga classes are run by Marianne. She tailors all classes to your needs and requirements. She also ensures our classes aid the strengthening of your body and increase flexibility, all whilst calming your mind and nourishing your body. Please see below for class specifics:

  • Classes are suitable from 15 weeks gestation, with no experience necessary

  • Classes are specially designed to allow you to safely practice yoga with your baby by your side, or joining in. Or if you have some child care, come along and enjoy some well-deserved you time, child-free

  • Classes are suitable from 6 weeks after a vaginal birth, or 8 weeks after a c-section, until your baby is on the move

  • As with any exercise after birth, it is advisable to get the all clear from your doctor before you start classes

  • Post Natal classes are run as a course over 6 weeks during term time. This enables you to focus closely on your pelvic floor repair and internal strength building your core stability class by class

  • All equipment is provided, just bring yourself and your baby