The Power of Mindful Movement


By now you will already know how much I believe in enjoying movement for the sake of movement itself not for the before-and-after-photos.

For as long as I can remember, however, the fitness industry has remained obsessed with results and attaining a ‘perfect’ zero-body-fat look.

The problem with this is that it reduces good health to a matter of aesthetics and weight loss when in reality it is so much more. Health is way more than a number on a scale. The key to healthy bio-mechanics, and an injury-free and energetic life, is to learn to move in the right way and to build strength from the inside.

For me, the intention behind Beyond Move was to create a genuinely inclusive space, offering nourishing low-impact full-body workouts, where the emphasis is placed on the mental benefits of regular movement.

Moreover, I had discovered in my work with people living with neurological conditions like Parkinson's’ Disease or Multiple Sclerosis that combining the disciplines of Peto’s method with Pilates had brought about really positive change in the lives of my clients.

And so, Peto Pilates was born!

What is Peto Pilates?

In the 1940’s Professor Andras Peto, the Hungarian physician founded what is known as ‘conductive education’, which recognises motor disorders as learning disabilities rather than a condition that needs to be treated solely medically. The remedy, he concluded, is task oriented and ought to take into account the learning needs those with movement conditions have. Peto Pilates combines the wisdom of Peto’s conductive education with the skill and precision of Pilates, and I provide group and individual sessions throughout the week at the studio.

Of course, it should be obvious that people with movement conditions ought to ...well, move! But what is happening is that mainstream gyms and facilities are essentially failing to cater at all to this group of people.

That’s why we are so proud to genuinely be able to say at Beyond Move that we have beginner all the way to experienced movers, in our small and intimate sessions. Participants come from all walks and stages of life, and we all come to move in the same space. Where people need special attention, maybe for those who are pre- or postnatal, teens, post-operative or suffering from neurological conditions we have the ability to support your needs.

What sets our classes apart from the rest?

While my area of expertise is in Pilates and Peto Pilates, the studio also offers Yoga and Barre. I make sure that the teachers I work with understand the importance of not just cardiovascular health but also spinal health. We are interested in functional movement, which uses body-weight resistance and provides workouts that give clients the feeling of being stretched as well as worked.

The emphasis is on balanced low-impact, full-body workouts. When done right, this style of exercise is very effective at protecting students from injury, and in the meantime, strengthens the core, mobilises the spine and builds the foundations.

There’s a particular focus on being present. We care not a jot, as the Brits would say, about your leotards and crop tops; we just want you to get into your own world and enjoy the movements. When movement is carried out in this way, with joy and mindfulness, the evidence suggests it has the power to heal.

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Peto Pilates Beyond Move Peto Pilates Beyond Move

What is Peto Pilates?


We are so proud to support a wider community and today let us tell you more about our Peto Pilates classes.

Our Rehabilitation approached Peto Pilates sessions are to help improve your strength, movement, balance and overall wellbeing when you live with some long term medical condition that is affecting your movements.

Who can come to these classes?

We specialised these classes for 4 groups.
People who live with:
- Parkinson's disease or parkinsonism
- Multiple Sclerosis or similar autoimmune disease
- Cerebral Palsy, dyspraxia, ataxia athetosis or similar conditions.
- Recovery After Stroke

These classes are absolutely amazing! The results can be such as growing confidence, improvement in motivation, improvements in balance, coordination, better posture, as well as awareness in alignment. Learning ways to overcome physical difficulties. Finding ways to stay more independent.

Some of our classes are still online but we have individual sessions and small group classes in the studio.

We are here to support you in a non-judgemental non-competitive way, with expertise and care.

If you know someone who would like to improve their mobility and is looking for a friendly and supportive place, please get in touch.

This is another lovely picture from our collaboration with Discover Barnet.

#BeyondMoveStudio #BeyondMoveCommunity #PetoPilates #neurorehabilitation #NeuroPilates #rehabilitationPilates #ConductiveEducation #Conductor #Experties #MovementIsMedicine #Inclusion #Supportawidercommunity #livingwithmovemtndisorders #MovementDisorders #parkinsonsdisease #multiplesclerosis #CerebralPalsy #StrokeRecovery #Barnet #discoverbarnet #northlondon #supportsmallbusiness #femailentrepreneur #movementismedicine #rehabilitation

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Newsletter, Covid Beyond Move Newsletter, Covid Beyond Move

Beyond Move & Lockdown 2.0


Sadly from Thursday 5th November, UK is under a month of lockdown.

Please feel reassured that we will be following government guidelines and our default position, of course, is to continue all our classes/courses online with Zoom.

We are waiting for some clarity on our one to one rehab classes and Peto Pilates. I will be in touch with a separate email or call you to confirm your sessions.


Hello Beyonders!

So this newsletter has been mostly written before this gloomy news... so I had to rewrite a few bits. And to be honest, I didn't want to do it, however, it is my responsibility to keep you informed and give you positive energy.

We are all set! One of the amazing things to come out of this global pandemic is that we offer all of our classes online! So we all know what to do now.

There is one thing we want to improve this time is that we want to hear you more. Please stop, unmute and ask if something is not clear or you need further clarification. Especially, Pilates does require cueing - we are lacking tactile feedback online so we want to hear you.

During the lockdown, I will record a few classes if you need to rewatch or want to repeat the class again. I will share it with you, please just let me know.

Some classes are going ahead from our home 'studio and some from BM studio. I would like to apologise ahead if our background noise is sometimes filled with kids/family noise - especially our evening classes. Please let me know if you have any issues and/or any technical suggestions.

We have Spotify playlists, however, feel free to tune in for your favourite songs to create a great vibe to move. We are also happy to share it at the beginning of the class, we can send this in the Zoom chat. You can also find some of our playlists in your booking confirmation email.

Please until further notice, classes are only running online. When booking, be careful to choose the online option.


  • softball

  • spiky balls - 1 pair or tennis/squash balls

  • pilates band or old pair of tights

  • weights - 1 pair of 0.5kg or 1kg. You can use tins instead

  • cushion / pillows / blocks / books

  • blanket and more pillows for Restorative yoga;

  • yoga belt or use bathrobe belt

  • pilates ring and foam roller for Tuesday 9.30am class

  • chair or windowsill for Barre class

Please carry on scheduling your class on our online booking system.
Our booking system - ACUITY SCHEDULING has a new app, you can make future bookings from your phone as well as cancelling bookings.

Simply download the ACUITY SCHEDULING CLIENT App and add our studio by using this link below.

NEW! Dynamic Pilates with Rachel & Vinyasa Flow with Emily
If you like some challenge definitely try Monday at 8pm and/or Wednesday at 7pm. Both of these lovely teachers will keep you moving with a beautiful and energising class. Book a class »

If you need to recharge and relax join our Sunday at 7.30pm Restorative Yin Yoga class with Madeleine. Her calm and relaxing voice will guide you to your Zen.

Tuesday at 12.30pm 30-minute 'Express' Pilates for shoulders and back.

NEW! Barre class, it is an amazing low impact exercise; however, this 45min will make you shake and wobble.

There might be some slight changes on the timetable. Please keep on checking the website and booking system.

We would love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what works and what doesn't for you. Especially class time and days during this lockdown. I know our routine during lockdown can change.

We aim for a well-balanced timetable during the lockdown so please share your thoughts.

We have some great news!!!

We have some great news!!!!!
It is with joy that I announce that Marianne; our gorgeous Pre- & Postnatal Yoga teacher is expecting her second baby. Please join me in my excitement and well wishes for her pregnancy.

She will be moving to Bristol from the middle of November... and until we are online we are hoping to carry on with her lovely chilled classes


We have such a wonderful community and we are SO SO HAPPY to see how we are growing. We have amazing teachers and you make us special.

Take care and sending my warm wishes to you all,
Noemi x

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Beyond Move Beyond Move

About Gut Health - Immune system Boost

Gut Health

How to boost your immune system

Before the coronavirus pandemic, like most of us, you probably only ever thought about your immune system when the winter cold season hit. But with experts telling us how crucial a healthy immune system is in our fight against covid-19, immunity is a really hot topic. You might have heard that our gut and our immune system are inextricably linked. But the truth is that, for the most part, the two are not only linked but actually the same. 

Therefore, more and more evidence shows that looking after our gut is a great way to achieve and experience wellbeing. The microbiome, which is made up of bacteria & other microorganisms in the stomach and intestines (or informally the gut) is now understood to be responsible for more than just our digestive system. Everyone’s microbiome is unique, but there are a few generalities about what is healthy or not, and in healthy people, there tends to be a diverse array of organisms. 

Here at Beyond Move, we are really interested in gut health and as we teach Peto Pilates for people affected with Parkinson’s disease, in the recent emerging research. Researchers have for the first time discovered a biological link between the gut microbiome and this research reveals its more likely for Parkinson’s disease origins to have come from the gut and not only from the brain as previously believed. Often long before tremors may be reported to GP’s other complaints linked to the digestive system have been mentioned regularly and in many cases, years before the tremors have started. 

Generally speaking, good gut health benefits everyone and paying attention to what we eat and drink and the effects this has on our own microbiome seems ever more important especially so now with the global pandemic.  We are all about our community and sharing information.  We have pulled together some general tips for good gut health here and some web links for you to find out further information.  

  1. Exercise. This aids general health helps towards maintaining a healthy weight and in some cases, also helps manage stress levels. 

  2. Eat healthily. Yes, it’s ok to have a treat but balancing fibre, fresh vegetables, sources of protein and fruit help to get vital vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi regularly promotes the production of friendly bacteria in the gut.

  3. Drink. It’s no news that most of us do not drink enough water, and when coming to class, we encourage you to bring water. Other sources that will help you maintain a healthy gut are to drink Kombucha a fizzy fermented tea drink or Kefir (milk or vegan water-based) which we stock in the studio.

Our sources:

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Beyond Move Beyond Move

Reopening the Studio - getting closer



Hello Beyonders,

Hello Beyonders,

It’s Noemi here!

Can I just say WOW, this is our 10th week of streaming classes online, and we are having such an interesting time? Initially, it was so strange for the studio doors to be shut and to be honest, I cannot wait for them to reopen soon.

Thank you all for keeping us busy, navigating and learning this new online landscape. We have continued to really enjoy teaching you all, though of course, we miss seeing you in person. In my heart, I hope that we as a studio have been able to give you a variety of classes, keeping you sane, motivated, and engaged during this lockdown. It has been a complete rollercoaster, don’t you think?

My gratitude is with you all who believed in us, and all who sent us lovely messages and well wishes, week on week. I also want to express my appreciation of your commitment, and I am so impressed that some of you pushed through many physical and psychological barriers during this time. In our online classes, we aimed to help you feel confident, reassured and to continue as much as usual as possible.

We are so thankful to see familiar and new faces in our online classes. Yes, online classes are not for everyone, and some of you prefer the discipline and companionship of coming to the studio, but we also have 1 st hand experienced that for some of our client groups and classes working-out at home really works! Who knew?!

We found for example that hosting our Peto pilates classes online meant that those with Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral palsy and MS can attend regardless of address and by not being London based, makes the availability of support less of a postcode lottery. How beautiful is that?

When we finally reopen the doors to the studio, we hope to continue to keep some classes online on for a while as I believe this is still one of the safest ways at this present time, and maybe for some, it might be the new reality going forward.

Current timetable - please check here



You may be wondering what will happen to your membership once we reopen. We are working hard behind the scenes to make sure that our memberships will continue to work for everyone and can accommodate the studio as well as online classes. Bear with us.

We will inform you in good time should there be are any changes which may affect your current terms. It is so important to us to be open and honest with you and for us to let you know what we are planning. During lockdown, we have learnt that as a small independent business and a new studio, we must be agile; change with the needs of the time and you, our valued customers.

Of course, it all must work for us too, and we want to be a studio that is creative in how we support you all as well as keeping you safe. We love hearing your feedback and ideas about reopening the studio but also about our classes, what you would like to see more or less of. Please as members or pay as you go, participants, you can help us shape the studio so do let us know!


We are social

We have invested in really upping our game on social media in line with our online presence and to help make us a dynamic studio. Our Instagram account is fun, shares the latest class schedules and even has a small shop for props and to buy one-off classes. We are doing our best to keep you all posted and informed, and if you don’t already follow us make sure to sign up to our Facebook page, follow and like us on Instagram @beyond_move.

If socials are not your thing or you want to receive us in your inbox too do also make sure we have your correct email address. We will soon be sharing news about reopening as well as class schedules and any changes we may make so please do keep an eye on all the above.

Here is our brief Covid-19 guide

Lots of love,


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