Health, Motivatio, Exersice, Social Beyond Move Health, Motivatio, Exersice, Social Beyond Move


Resting and relaxing are essential parts of our lives, but before you know it you can go from just taking a break to having no energy and losing your motivation. Everyone experiences a lack of motivation, so why not share our tips and tricks on how to get ourselves back in the headspace to get things done.

The Magic is in YOU

The Magic is in YOU

So here are 5 motivational tips to keep exercising;

  • Make it fun. Find sports or activities that you enjoy, then vary the routine to keep it interesting whether it's a run, a swim or pilates or a yoga class ;-).

  • Make physical activity part of your daily routine.

    If it's hard to find time for exercise, don't fall back on excuses. Try and plan at least 30 minutes every day.

  • Join forces with friends, neighbours or others. You're not in this alone. Invite friends or co-workers to join you when you exercise

  • Reward yourself. After each exercise session, take a few minutes to savour the good feelings that exercise gives you. This type of internal reward can help you make a long-term commitment to regular exercise

  • Be flexible. If you're too busy to work out or simply don't feel up to it, take a day or two off. Go easy on yourself if you need a break. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you can.


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Beyond Move Beyond Move

About Gut Health - Immune system Boost

Gut Health

How to boost your immune system

Before the coronavirus pandemic, like most of us, you probably only ever thought about your immune system when the winter cold season hit. But with experts telling us how crucial a healthy immune system is in our fight against covid-19, immunity is a really hot topic. You might have heard that our gut and our immune system are inextricably linked. But the truth is that, for the most part, the two are not only linked but actually the same. 

Therefore, more and more evidence shows that looking after our gut is a great way to achieve and experience wellbeing. The microbiome, which is made up of bacteria & other microorganisms in the stomach and intestines (or informally the gut) is now understood to be responsible for more than just our digestive system. Everyone’s microbiome is unique, but there are a few generalities about what is healthy or not, and in healthy people, there tends to be a diverse array of organisms. 

Here at Beyond Move, we are really interested in gut health and as we teach Peto Pilates for people affected with Parkinson’s disease, in the recent emerging research. Researchers have for the first time discovered a biological link between the gut microbiome and this research reveals its more likely for Parkinson’s disease origins to have come from the gut and not only from the brain as previously believed. Often long before tremors may be reported to GP’s other complaints linked to the digestive system have been mentioned regularly and in many cases, years before the tremors have started. 

Generally speaking, good gut health benefits everyone and paying attention to what we eat and drink and the effects this has on our own microbiome seems ever more important especially so now with the global pandemic.  We are all about our community and sharing information.  We have pulled together some general tips for good gut health here and some web links for you to find out further information.  

  1. Exercise. This aids general health helps towards maintaining a healthy weight and in some cases, also helps manage stress levels. 

  2. Eat healthily. Yes, it’s ok to have a treat but balancing fibre, fresh vegetables, sources of protein and fruit help to get vital vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi regularly promotes the production of friendly bacteria in the gut.

  3. Drink. It’s no news that most of us do not drink enough water, and when coming to class, we encourage you to bring water. Other sources that will help you maintain a healthy gut are to drink Kombucha a fizzy fermented tea drink or Kefir (milk or vegan water-based) which we stock in the studio.

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